Friday, June 13, 2014

Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare Gameplay - E3 2014 (Microsoft)

To start of the Microsoft E3 Media Briefing, they began by showing gameplay of Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare. A game by Activision & Sledgehammer Games.

A gameplay mission titled ‘Induction’ was shown. Beginning with soldiers dropping in from the sky. After crash landing, they quickly get in a battle. In the video, we see the mech suits that players will be wearing, and its strength. With the ability to jump higher or rip off a car door to use as a shield. We see full on destruction and huge robots.

We see a new variety of guns and equipment. A grenade that has different abilities- Frag Grenade, Contact Grenade telling where the enemy is, or a Smart Grenade, which follows the enemy.

View the gameplay here.

The game is set for November 4, 2014. As with previous Call Of Duty Titles, all DLC will be available first on Xbox One

View the media briefing here.

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